Thursday, June 23, 2016
My Love Hate Relationship with Pinterest
Dear Pinterest,
Hello, my name is Margaret Rice and I am addicted to Pinterest. I admit it - it is my television. I love scanning and checking out all the activity suggestions. I have been doing it since Pinterest started. I have to admit though I am getting a little sick of all the perfect pictures. Can we please get realistic on Pinterest? More and more I see these truly amazing activity ideas, with breathtaking photos of finished projects by preschoolers and toddlers. I convince myself that this will be the activity tomorrow for my toddler. In my delusional midnight brain, I picture my toddler sitting engaged by himself for at least 30 minutes to participate in this awesome Pinterest find.
When I awake in the morning, reality sets in. It doesn't start off too great. In typical fashion, I don't have all the supplies needed so I just make do with what I have. I set it all up for my little one. The anticipation of having him occupied independently is making me feel so excited. He sits down. I model how to do the activity. He takes a turn. Yeah he seems to love it. Awesome, I will just slip away to the other side of the room and accomplish something. The second I start the task on the other side of the room he is no longer interested in his activity. I redirect him back to the activity. He sits while I sit and plays. I sneak away - he finds me. We basically go back and forth like this for awhile until he loses interest in the activity. I clean up and I'm usually a little grumpy since I was so pumped up he was going to just love this Pinterest idea.
Here is another scenario - I set the Pinterest activity all up (takes about 5 minutes) - he plays independently for 10 minutes - during that 10 minutes he trashes himself and the play area around him - when done I change his clothes, wash him up including his hair sometimes - I clean up area (takes about 20 minutes). So for 10 minutes of independent play it took me 25 to set up and clean up. You do the math, seems like I am operating in a deficit.
Now I have to be honest. I blog and operate a website for a living. I pin things from my blogs and website all the time. I LOVE Pinterest since it drives quite a bit of traffic to my website and I truly enjoy viewing everyone else's pins. It is visually engaging and helps me to dream big.
But, please let's get real on Pinterest. Can you at least show a few pictures of what went wrong? Can you provide an estimated window of how much effort it will take me for set up and clean up versus actual kid engagement? Can you tell me how much money you spent at the craft store for all those awesome supplies? Can you share that had supplies set aside but your kid got to them before you and used them for other purposes (ie pipe cleaners to decorate the rocking chair).
Maybe it is my problem. Maybe I need to be more realistic about what is worth the effort. Maybe I need to go cold turkey and delete my Pinterest accounts (NEVER!).
OR...maybe you can help me out and not make your crafts and activities look so perfect all the time.
Your Pinterest Follower
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Kitchen Puzzle
Here is a quick way to make a homemade puzzle for little ones. This is a great activity because you can vary it so easily based on your child's ability but tracing a few shapes or more shapes.
Grab a file folder or large paper. Trace around some objects from your kitchen i.e. cookie cutters, measuring cup, spoon or magnets.
When done, lay the objects around the border of the paper and see if your child can match up the objects to the outline. So simple to make but reinforces a child's visual perceptual and fine motor skills.
Check out the Baby Toddler Book Pages. This is a digital download of 10 entertaining and educational pages for baby. This set includes the following 10 themes: baby, dogs, cats, toys, animals, farm, trucks, outdoors and 2 color identification pages.
You can print the pages on cardstock paper and laminate. If you don't want to print the pages, let your baby/toddler look and read the picture pages on a smartphone, tablet or computer. Find out more at
Monday, June 20, 2016
5 Bucket List Items for Your Family this Summer
Since today is the official first day of Summer, I thought I would share 5 of bucket list items to do as a family during the Summer. I love all the bucket lists on Pinterest but boy are they overwhelming! Some of them list 100+ things to do over the summer. I would be exhausted if we did all those activities. Here are my top five that we do every year as a family over the summer.
1. Go camping, rent a cabin or stay at a resort - I have posted about this before but I can not say enough about how wonderful camping is for a family. It forces you to unplug, slow down and all enjoy the outdoors. If you hate the idea of tenting, rent a cabin or stay at a resort in the outdoors. The whole goal is to spend time together in nature.
2. Go on a picnic. Might sound so simple but when was the last time you all went on a picnic somewhere? Pack up a lunch, grab a picnic blanket and enjoy an afternoon at the park or a lake. My kids LOVE when we do this.
3. Explore water. Maybe it is swimming, maybe it is boating or maybe just splashing around in a creek. I happen to love water anything so we do this all summer long.
4. Go hiking. Take at least one hike. I know this can seem like a daunting task if you have littles ones like we have had for the past 16 years! Trust me you will enjoy it just don't expect that you will log thousands of steps on your Fitbit. I usually "research" online for a simple hike of which my definition is a loop that is less than one mile. Everyone should be able to walk the whole time except maybe the two year old. I avoid hikes with ledges and narrow paths just because I don't want to be a "nervous Nellie" the whole time telling the kids to be careful. You will feel like you made a huge accomplishment together!
5. Visit your local library. I can't say enough about libraries. When I was a child, I have very fond memories of library story times and activities. Now libraries have really upped their game and have so many wonderful and usually free activities. The kids will get some entertainment and my husband and I take turns exploring the bookshelves.
What is your favorite summer time activity?
Want more family bucket list ideas?
Check out the Family Bucket List Growing Play Cards Set. This set of cards includes 50 things to experience as a family before the kids grow up and move out. Write down the date you complete the activity. Have fun together as a family - they are only young once. Find out more information
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Guess How Many People You See Game
Here is a simple guessing game to print and play next time you are feeling bored or need a family challenge. Print it in color or black and white. Don't read the answer on page 4 if you want to take a guess yourself!
The best way to play this game is not to count but just to take a quick glance. Try only looking at the picture for 10 seconds or less. Take a guess and how many people you see.
The person who guesses the closest without going over is the winner!
Download the How Many People Do You See? Guessing Game from Growing Play for FREE!
Check out Boredom Busters for more fun ideas!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
July Fourth Party Games
July 4th happens to be one of our favorite holidays. Ever since I was a child, we celebrate the day with a parade, barbeque and fireworks. Some years we even squeeze in a pool party at my brother's house and then the BBQ at a friend's house. It is a long but super fun day.
Sometimes when my family gets together I like to create a fun game for us to play. This July 4th Games packet includes 5 different games to print and play:
1. Stars and Stripes Keno - a great game for large groups instead of traditional bingo.
2. How Many Flags? - can you submit the correct guess for how many flags are on the page?
3. Red, White, Blue, Flag - modify this game to play with the young to old.
4. Red, White, Boom - play this game while you learn some July 4th trivia.
5. July 4th One Minute - can you talk about the various July 4th topics for one full minute? It is harder than you think.
Download the Red, White, Blue, Flag game for free.
These games are available as an electronic download so they will be delivered electronically after payment. So no worries if you need last minute group games for July 4th.
To purchase July 4th Games for $1.99 click on the add to cart button. You will receive the download following payment.
Homemade Props for Playing Doctor
Here are some simple ideas to make to add to your playing doctor and hospital kits.
Above is an ice pack for play. The kids will enjoy helping to make this prop. Pour Dawn soap (make sure it is Dawn) into a plastic bag. Seal it up (I added extra duct tape and put it inside another baggie just in case). Put it in the freezer. It freezes just like a gel ice pack so it is flexible. Lots of fun to wrap around an "injured" arm. Personally, makes a nice icepack for real boo-boos as well!
Need more props for playing doctor and hospital? Download the Playing Pretend ebook for Doctor and Hospital forms.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
The Simplicities of Childhood
I have come to a major realization that the simplicity of childhood only lasts so long. I do not mean the innocence or the sense of wonder. I mean the true simplicity of just enjoying a simple activity over and over again. While observing our 6th child splash through puddles repeatedly, our almost 12 year old was following behind. My older son enjoyed the rain for a few minutes but then he hunched over disliking the chill of the rain and diligently followed his baby brother. My toddler played for a long time while we took refuge on the covered porch. He just splashed in the puddles, felt the water come down the drain pipe and just ran around. He didn't need anything but the rain and space to play.
I began to reflect on my toddler's everyday life. It seems as though he always just needs a few items to entertain him, mostly outdoors, and he is content. Part of this simplicity of childhood is playing with objects that are not actually toys. Young children seem to play for hours with cardboard boxes, rocks, sticks, kitchen utensils, pots and water!
Don't be impressed, for I do not mean that he entertains himself. But, if I am simply present, observing what he wants to do and just watching him play he is satisfied. God forbid, I pick up a newspaper to read or check the computer, his satisfaction ends in under a minute. I can not do the dishes, fold the laundry or answer the phone either. He just wants me to sit and watch. I guess he is satisfied with his simple "toys" as long as I am doing something simple myself.
I am trying to cherish observing these moments because I do realize that this too shall pass. And the pressures of life start to weigh heavier on children as they get older. With older teenagers in the house and college looming on the horizon it slaps me right in the face that as parents we need to provide time for young ones to enjoy the simplicities of childhood as long as they can.
So the next time I rush my toddler along, I will try and just slow down to appreciate these moments where he is just savoring the simplicities of childhood.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
5 Games to Play with Pots and Pans
Through the years, one of the best go to toys for little ones is the kitchen pots and pans. Here are 5 games to play with pots and pans:
1. Lid Mix Up - separate all the pots, pans and the lids. Scatter them around a room. See how quickly the child can find the correct lid and match it up to the pot.
2. Musical Band - easiest and most favorite activity. Add some wooden spoons and make some music!
3. Water Fun - lay a large towel on the floor, pour some water in the pot and hand over a ladle. Put another pot next to it so your little one can transfer the water from one pot to the other.
4. Alphabet Soup - Toss some plastic letters or anything you have from around the house (ie cotton balls, cookie cutters, clothes pegs, etc) so the child can pretend to make soup.
5. Hide the Animal - Place the pots around the room upside down. The child can hide his/her eyes. Pick a small stuffed animal and hide it under one of the pots. The child can then open up his/her eyes and search for the missing stuffed animal.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Creative Brain Series Question #6 - Factory Owner?
Wake up your brain and your ideas and answer question #6 from the Creative Brain Series - Imagine you own a factory. What would you create and who would you sell it to?
This post is part of the Creative Brain Series from Growing Play on creativity, imagination, outside the box thinking, something quick to do while you are waiting or a boredom buster. The series will include one question every couple of days to get children and adults to think on their feet. There is no right or wrong answers just try to be creative. Spend 1-2 minutes to think or just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind to share your answer.
My answers for question #6 would be a game factory. I know this sounds trite considering I write a blog that mentions games all the time. But, I love games and have sooooooooo many ideas for card games, small travel games and adventure games. Maybe some day I will be able to pursue all my ideas.
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #5
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #4
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #3
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #2
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #1
This post is part of the Creative Brain Series from Growing Play on creativity, imagination, outside the box thinking, something quick to do while you are waiting or a boredom buster. The series will include one question every couple of days to get children and adults to think on their feet. There is no right or wrong answers just try to be creative. Spend 1-2 minutes to think or just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind to share your answer.
My answers for question #6 would be a game factory. I know this sounds trite considering I write a blog that mentions games all the time. But, I love games and have sooooooooo many ideas for card games, small travel games and adventure games. Maybe some day I will be able to pursue all my ideas.
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #5
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #4
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #3
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #2
Answer Creative Brain Series Question #1
Sunday, June 5, 2016
One Simple Tip to Help Children Be Themselves
Be yourself. Easier said than done right? I often tell my children to make sure they stay true to themselves, their beliefs and a moral code. In summary, be yourself.
Every single child is so very unique and it is our job as parents, grandparents, teachers, volunteers, ministers, priests or whoever interacts with children to help them to discover their individual talents.
One simple tip to help children be themselves is to occasionally discuss one on one with them what qualities they each have that make them so special. For example, focus on three traits, be specific and honest such as:
1. You are an impressive artist. The picture you created today was beautiful.
2. You are a good leader. Today when we needed the yard cleaned up, you set a great example by helping without being reminded.
3. You are a talented basketball player. The three point shot you made was awesome today.
The most important thing is to be honest. Don't overpraise. Give it a try. I know sometimes I enjoy it more than the children. It reminds me how unique each one of my children are!
So for today - Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken (compliments of Oscar Wilde).
Need more motivation? Check out the whole collection of Motivational Posters and Cards. Try tossing a different card in your child's lunch box to motivate him/her during the school day.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
If This Then That - BEST App Ever (Especially for Bloggers)
This may be a bit off topic for the Growing Play blog but it is a super interesting app that I had to share to help organize and streamline your phone apps. This app can do amazing things once you take some time to set up what will work for you. I read about the If This Then That app in the Wall Street Journal yesterday if you want to read more about it.
In a nutshell, by creating simple "recipes" this app allows you to connect apps that don't normally connect. My suggestion is to download the IF app and just start exploring.
Here is what I am using it for fun:
1. get a weather report push notification everyday sent to my phone at 7:00am
2. get an email notification of free apps released today
Here is the AMAZING recipes I am using for blogging:
1. every time a new blog post is published from Growing Play it automatically gets pinned to a pinterest board that I selected.
2. every time I publish a new blogpost, it gets copied into a folder in my Google Drive (how awesome is that!). Therefore, I am automatically backing up the blog.
3. every time I publish a new blogpost, it is tweeted
I wish you could trigger a blogpost to Instagram but you can not do that. You can do the opposite - Instagram to blogpost. And of course, Facebook is difficult because it only will connect my personal account not the GrowingPlay account therefore I can not automate the Facebook posts.
My extra tip - If This Then That will also run on your computer. I find it a little easier to navigate on the full website versus the app. You may want to set up your recipes on the computer and download the app so that you get all the notifications to your phone.
One more bonus tip - you could use this app to set all sorts of reminders for children who may need a little extra help with organization or staying on schedule. You can set reminders to drink water, get some exercise and more!
Enjoy exploring the app! It has been a long time since I have come across such a helpful, innovative app to streamline social media. Would love to know if you already use this app or something like it. Also, come back and let me know if you are as excited about it as I am.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Indoor Camping Party for Family Fun Night
Next time you need something super easy to entertain the kids for family fun night have an indoor camping party. This is so easy to do and the kids LOVE it! Now of course, I would prefer if every family actually went camping, but I know their are plenty of people that it is just not their thing.
So why not give your children the experience of camping without leaving home? All you need is a play tent or even better make your own fort. My children have always preferred to make their own forts for the indoor camp out. Using almost every chair and blanket in the house they have created large indoor tents for sleeping or just hanging out.
If you use a play tent, see if the kids can set the whole thing up themselves without any help.
For the first part of the family fun night the kids can create the tent. Toss a bag of clothes pins their way to help clip on the blankets and sheets to the chairs. Next up, outfit the tent. Grab some sleeping bags and a few pillows. Each kid can set up their space.
Now time for some spooky stories. Grab a flashlight and takes turns telling some good old fashioned ghost stories.
Don't forget a "fireside" camping treat. You could make smores without a fire. Just assemble the ingredients and toss it in the microwave to gently heat it up. Or wrap them in foil and put them in the toaster.
How about a Minute to Win it themed camping activity? Walk around outside and gather a bunch of small twigs. Put them on a tray. Open up a bag of marshmallows and scatter them around the room. Place a bowl on a table. The object is to poke your stick into the marshmallow and bring it back to the table to remove it using another stick. Place the marshmallow in the bowl. You can not use your hands to pick up or remove the marshmallow off of the stick. See how can get the most marshmallows in the bowl in one minute. Don't want to toss the marshmallows around the room? Just put them on a large tray on a different table than the bowl.
Need more game ideas? Read a previous blog post about games to play around the campfire that require no materials.
The younger kids will simply enjoy sleeping over on the floor in something they created themselves.
Check out more family fun night ideas.
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