
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nightime Reflector Hunt

It is chilly here this time of year and it can be hard to think of things to do outdoors with the kids. There is only a dusting of snow on the ground but the grass is covered. Thanks to ActiveKidsClub, we played a super fun game this evening. We modified their suggested hide and go seek activity wearing reflectors. Instead I picked up some inexpensive mini reflectors at the hardware store ($3/pack of 8). We stuck each reflector on an index card, punched a hole and added some string.

Once it was dark out, I headed outdoors and hid the 8 reflectors. I hid 2 of the same colored reflectors in the same spot. We divided the kids into two teams and provided each team with a flashlight. Off they went hunting for the reflectors. The first team to find all 4 of their colored reflectors was the winner.

This game was a huge hit that encourages:
  • physical activity
  • visual perceptual skills
  • team work
Happy hunting!

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  1. I absolutely LOVE this idea! Thanks so much for stopping by to share it.

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